A detailed pen-drawing style illustration in landscape format, depicting a variety of pens used across historical periods | Imagem: DALL·E 2025-01-12 08.33.01
The 18th issue of Revista Crítica Historiográfica comprises ten book reviews and one review article, delving into regional, national, and cultural contexts. These contributions significantly advance the academic discourse on identity, culture, pedagogy, and historical memory.
Noteworthy are the works that explore regional history, particularly Magno Francisco de Jesus Santos’ review of Sergipe Colonial (Maria Beatriz Nizza da Silva), which emphasizes the endeavor to recover Sergipe’s colonial past while offering a critical perspective on the work’s Eurocentrism.Clivya Nobre’s analysis of Primary Education connects educational policies and practices in Sergipe to local and cultural influences. Alícia de Brito Meneghetti Cunha examines the historical and cultural contexts of the Senhor dos Passos Pilgrimage in São Cristóvão, shedding light on the profound collective experiences inherent in this religious event.
The volume also spotlights identity issues.Amintas Henrique da Silva Ramos’s review of Brazilian National Identity delves into the intricacies of the Brazilian identity category, underscoring the limitations in theoretical and conceptual frameworks. Itamar Freitas’s review of “Post-Abolition” literature underscores categories such as associativism and citizenship, thereby reaffirming the predominance of socio-cultural experiences in recent historiography.
Studies on the intersection between culture and history are also present in this area.Jandson Bernardo Soares revisits The Creation of the São Paulo Cultural Centre (Francis Manzoni), highlighting the relationship between intellectuals and public authorities in cultural democratization. Fernando Sá examines the historical idealization of vaquejadas in Um boi Zepelim enfeitiçado (José Adeilson dos Santos), criticizing its romanticization and omission of the impact of capitalism.The relationship between history and science is explored in reviews such as the one by Mirelle Santos, who analyzes História do português (Carlos Alberto Faraco), highlighting the historical trajectory of the Portuguese language. Micael S. Matos revisits The Study of Organic Synthesis based on Bioactive Substances (Marcus Vinícius Nora de Souza), covering the techniques and history of organic chemistry, with an emphasis on the construction of bioactive molecules.
The impact of conservatism on history education is a central theme in Débora Barbosa de Vasconcelos’ review of Guerras de Narrativas em Tempos de Crise [Narrative Wars in Times of Crisis], which assesses the thematic diversity and structural limitations of the work.Elizabeth de Souza Oliveira’s analysis explores the connections between history and the environment in História e Meio Ambiente: Tempo Passado, Tempo Presente (Márcio Mota Pereira), which underscores the necessity for enhanced theoretical integration within the discipline.
The aforementioned reviews offer a balanced appraisal, acknowledging the merits and limitations of the respective works. Among the commendations are the inventiveness of the methodologies employed and the utilization of primary sources. Conversely, the critiques address concerns such as Eurocentrism, the absence of pragmatic remedies, and the absence of structural coherence.
This issue underscores the manner in which the texts engage with overarching themes such as democracy, identity, and memory, integrating regional, national, and cultural perspectives.The plurality of themes reinforces the significance of interdisciplinarity in historiographical production.This issue reaffirms Revista Crítica Historiográfica’s commitment to rigorous and plural academic debate.The texts presented here offer tools for comprehensive literature reviews that reflect on the challenges and advances in the field. We extend an invitation to all interested parties to peruse these reviews and contribute to this crucial discourse.
The editors
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Presentation. Crítica Historiográfica. Natal, v.d4, n.8, July/August, 2024. Available at <>.
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