Itamar Freitas

Abstract: In a nutshell, the book “Um boi Zepelim enfeitiçado” by José Adeilson dos Santos sheds light on the cultural significance of vaquejada in the Northeast in the 1950s. Some have criticized the work for romanticizing the historical context, omitting capitalist progress, and idealizing traditional masculinity. Keywords: Vaquejada, Northeastern culture, and historical romanticization. The Histories […]

Cattle festivals in the 1950s – Review by Fernando Sá (UFS) of the book “Um boi Zepelim enfeitiada: Trajetória de vida do Vaqueiro ‘Doutor Vito’ e as vaquejadas ‘Pega-de-boi no Mato’ no sertão sergipano dos anos 1950”, by José Adeilson dos Santos Read More »

Abstract: The editorial “Music in Brazil: texts and contexts” by Luciana Requião highlights the progress of music studies as an interdisciplinary field that integrates political, economic, social and cultural aspects. The dossier reviews nine recent academic works that explore Brazilian music in its complex social relations and collective processes. Keywords: interdisciplinarity, Brazilian music, and cultural

Music in Brazil: Texts and Contexts | Luciana Requião (UFF) Read More »

Abstract: In Critical composers of Brazilian popular music: history, education and culture, Marcos Raddi deals with music critics. Drawing on various documentary and bibliographical sources, the author’s argument gains strength from an interview with Marcos Diniz, of Trio Calafrio, whose members are the authors of many of the sambas “heard around”. A. Gramsci, R. Williams

The voice of the owner – Luciana Requião’s (UFF) review of the book “Critical composers of Brazilian popular music: history, education and culture”, by Marcos Raddi Read More »

Abstract: Cachê Sangrento: uma etnografia do trabalho musical em Aracaju by João Luís Meneses, published in 2022, examines the musical profession in Aracaju, particularly in bars and private parties. Meneses criticizes the inadequate representation of musicians by public institutions and advocates for better working conditions. Keywords: ethnomusicology, musical work, and working conditions. Bloody Fee: An

Giving Blood for Music – Isaac Santana Andrade’s review of “Bloody Fee: An Ethnography of Musical Labor in Aracaju”, by João Luís Meneses Read More »

Abstract: “Aspectos sobre a valsa no Rio de Janeiro no longo do século XIX: de folhetins, música de salão e serestas”, by Martha Tupinambá de Ulhoa, explores the waltz’s integration into Rio’s musical culture, examining its social and economic aspects. The work, well-structured and rich in sources, is essential for music history scholars. It addresses

Shall we waltz? – Anne Meyer’s (UNIRIO/UERJ) review of the book “Aspectos sobre a valsa no Rio de Janeiro no longo do século XIX: de folhetins, música de salão e serestas”, by Martha Tupinambá de Ulhoa Read More »

Summary: Sambistas e Sociedade: Um ensaio etnomusicológico, by Samuel Araújo, rearticulates criticisms of the concept of music and uses samba to understand various dimensions of Brazilian society. Araújo proposes a new dialog about music and deepens the concept of acoustic work, receiving praise for his methodological rigor and multidisciplinary approach. Keywords: Ethnomusicology, samba, and Brazilian

In the rhythm of the bambas – Bruno Brandão Augusto’s (Unisinos) review of “Samba, Sambistas e Sociedade. Um ensaio etnomusicológico, by Samuel Araújo Read More »

Abstract: O Violão na corte imperial, by Marcia Taborda offers a compelling analysis of the guitar’s role in 19th-century Rio de Janeiro, exploring its integration into the social and economic fabric of the city. This well-structured, source-rich work is an invaluable resource for scholars of musical history. Keywords: History of the guitar, Brazilian music, and

Sounds of the Empire – José Jarbas Ruas’s (UFNT) review of the book “O violão na Corte Imperial”, by Marcia Taborda. Read More »

Abstract: Terra Trio [uma família musical com os pés na terra], by Ricardo Schott, celebrates the Terra Trio, describing their journey from 1966 to the 2000s. The work, rich in interviews and documentation, details the group’s performances and cultural influence, including partnerships with Maria Bethânia, has an engaging narrative and detailed context, although it does

Land in sight! – Luciana Requião’s review of “Terra Trio [uma família musical com os pés na terra]”, by Ricardo Schott Read More »

Abstract: “Entre o lundu, aria e a aleluia: música, teatro e história nas comédias de Luiz Carlos Martins Penna (1833-1846)”, by Luiz Costa-Lima Neto, offers an insightful analysis of the intersection of music, theater, and history in the 19th century. Dense in content, the work is praised for its meticulous research. Keywords: Luis Carlos Martins

Pretitudes and whiteness on stage. Hudson Cláudio Neres Lima’s (UFF) review of “Entre o lundu, a ária e a aleluia: música, teatro e história nas comédias de Luiz Carlos Martins Penna (1833-1846)”, by Luiz Costa-Lima Neto Read More »

Abstract: O Fole Roncou! [A history of Forró] by Carlos Marcelo Carvalho and Rosualdo Rodrigues aims to trace the history of forró, highlighting iconic figures such as Luiz Gonzaga. The authors are praised for their detailed research and engaging narrative.. Keywords: Forró, baião, and Brazilian music. O fole roncou! [uma história do Forró] is a

Accordion chords – Rafael Silva’s (UNIRIO) review of the book “O Fole Roncou! [A History of Forró], by Carlos Marcelo and Rosualdo Rodrigues Read More »

Abstract: As origens da canção urbana by José Ramos Tinhorão offers a fascinating exploration of the evolution of song in urban centers, drawing upon a wealth of diverse sources. While it provides valuable insights into the social and economic influences on music, some have critiqued Tinhorão’s work for its somewhat dense language and occasionally ambiguous

Singing for the Cities – Pedro Aune’s (EM Villa Lobos) review of “As origens da Canção Urbana”, by José Ramos Tinhorão Read More »

Abstract: O leite, cuscuz e o céu: o Belo Monte de Antônio Conselheiro e a falácia euclidiana, by Pedro Lima Vasconcellos, critiques Euclides da Cunha’s interpretation of Canudos, debunking the notion of millenarianism and apocalypse associated with Belo Monte. The work revisits the social and religious experience of Canudos, highlighting its complexity and challenging simplistic views.

Memory and myth of Belo Monte/Canudos – Antônio Fernando de Araújo Sá’s (UFS) review of the book “O leite, o cuscuz e o céu: o Belo Monte de Antônio Conselheiro e a falácia euclidiana”, by Pedro Lima Vasconcelos Read More »

Abstract: Lampião em Paulo Afonso, by João de Souza Lima, is a historical investigation into Lampião’s incursions into Paulo Afonso, Bahia. Despite the inclusion of oral testimonies, the work is criticized for its fragmented structure and the insertion of themes outside the main focus, which compromises the clarity of the objective of narrating Lampião’s wanderings.

Epopeias sertanejas – Moisés Santos Reis Amaral’s (UFS) review of the book “Lampião em Paulo Afonso”, by João de Souza Lima Read More »

Abstract: In her book Thieves of the Republic: Corruption, Morality, and Greed in Brazil, 16th-18th Centuries, Adriana Romeiro aims to understand corruption in colonial Brazil. To this end, she employs a wide variety of sources to explore the relationships between money, government, and corruption. The work has been praised for its depth and criticized for

Illicit behavior in Portuguese America – Daniel Costa’s (UNIFESP) review of the book “Ladrões da República: Corrupção, moral e cobiça no Brasil, séculos XVI a XVIII”, by Adriana Romeiro Read More »