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Absgract: History of Artificial Intelligence: 23rd Century by Michael R. Santos explores the evolution of AI. Despite the aim of making the subject accessible, the book is criticized for its complexity and futuristic approach, which can confuse readers without prior knowledge, limiting its target audience. Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Computing, Robot. The History of Artificial Intelligence: […]

Historicities of AI – Hermeson Alves de Menezes’s (UFS/SEED) review of “History of Artificial Intelligence: 23rd Century”, by Michael R. Santos Read More »

Abstract: Uma história feita por mãos negras: Relações raciais, quilombos e movimentos, organized by Alex Ratts, explores the works of Beatriz Nascimento on race relations and quilombos in Brazil. The work retells Brazilian history through a black perspective, criticizing European theories and highlighting the importance of the black narrative. Keywords: Race Relations, Quilombos, Blacks. The

Against the current — Laila Thaíse Batista de Oliveira’s (UFS) review of “Uma história feita por mãos negras: Relações raciais, quilombos e movimentos”, coletânea de textos de Maria Beatriz Nascimento”, organized by Alex Ratts Read More »

Abstract: Modernidades negras: a formação racial brasileira (1930–1970), by Antônio Sérgio Alfredo Guimarães, analyzes Brazilian racial formation (1930-1970) focusing on black intellectuality and racism in its ideological configuration. The work, criticized for limiting black agency and emphasizing white influences, is seen as partially successful in achieving its objective of reflecting on Brazilian social thought, being

Agency excluded — Bruna Gabriella Santiago Silva’s (PPGH/UFRGS) review of “Modernidades negras: a formação racial brasileira (1930-1970)”, by Antônio Sérgio Alfredo Guimarães Read More »

Abstract: ChatGPT conta sua história: Como uma máquina aprendeu a escrever, it is an innovative work of 2023, written by AI ChatgPT itself. In 46 pages, it details its evolution and the mechanisms of neural networks, offering a unique perspective on how he learned to write and its challenges in imitation of human language. Keywords:

Artificial Writing – Marcos Manoel Silva Severiano’s (Urca) review of “ChatGPT conta sua história: Como uma máquina aprendeu a escrever” by Chatgpt IA Read More »

Abstract: Memórias de Lampião em Limoeiro, by Raimundo da Silva Araújo Júnior, describes reminiscences about Lampião’s passage through the city of Limoeiro, State of Ceará. The author ambiguously narrates the figure of Lampião, highlighting local characters and the relationship of the city with the cangaço, addressing the complexity of local memory and power. Keywords: Lampião,

Unusual visitors – Antonio Fernando Araújo Sá’s (UFS) review of “Memórias de Lampião em Limoeiro”, by Raimundo da Silva Araújo Júnior Read More »

Abstract: Dispositivo de racialidade: a construção do outro como não ser como fundamento do ser, Sueli Carneiro, explores racism in Brazil from the Foucaultian perspective. Published in 2023, the book addresses the hegemonic self and the subjugation of the “other”, offering a detailed and critical study of Brazilian racism, but with a complex approach that

Racism in Brasil – Luciana Vilela Dourado Matos’s (Uneb) review of “Dispositivo de racialidade: a construção do outro como não ser como fundamento do ser”, by Sueli Carneiro Read More »