Elites on pilgrimage – Review by Alícia de Brito Meneghetti Cunha (UFRN) of the book “O Prefácio dos Tempos: caminhos da Romaria do Senhor dos Passos em São Cristóvão”, by Magno Francisco de Jesus Santos
Magno Francisco de Jesus Santos | Image: Autor’s collection
Abstract: In this text, Alícia de Brito Meneghetti Cunha discusses O Prefácio dos Tempos: Caminhos da Romaria do Senhor dos Passos em São Cristóvão, a book by Magno Francisco de Jesus Santos. The work explores the pilgrimage from historical and cultural perspectives, and stands out for the depth of its analysis.
Keywords: Senhor dos Passos pilgrimage; São Cristóvão-SE; history of Catholicism.
The book O Prefácio dos Tempos: caminhos da Romaria do Senhor dos Passos em São Cristóvão (2024), authored by Magno Francisco de Jesus Santos and published by Criação Editora, analyzes the Senhor dos Passos Pilgrimage. The author, Magno Francisco de Jesus Santos, holds a PhD in History from the Federal University of Fluminense (2015) and has extensive experience in the areas of History Teaching, Cultural Heritage, and Catholic Religiosity, with publications on the History of Education and Religiosity.The preface, authored by Beatriz Góis Dantas, commends the work as the result of meticulous research, combining a range of sources with sophisticated analysis, maintaining a balance between academic writing and accessible language.
The author, Magno Francisco de Jesus Santos, holds a PhD in History from the Federal University of Fluminense (2015) and has considerable expertise in the domains of History Education, Cultural Heritage, and Catholic Religiosity, with publications on the History of Education and Religiosity. The impetus for this study stems from an emergent need for research that explores the intricate relationship between religion and Brazilian society, with a particular focus on the Pilgrimage of the Lord of the Steps in São Cristóvão. This pilgrimage, a rich cultural manifestation, serves as a reflection of the profound transformations experienced by Brazilian Catholicism during the 19th and 20th centuries.
The Pilgrimage of the Lord of the Steps in São Cristóvão, the preeminent Catholic devotional event in Sergipe, stands as a testament to the cultural and religious legacy of the state. This pilgrimage serves as a nexus for the articulation of faith and identity, where elements of local culture interweave with religious practices, culminating in a rich tapestry of traditions. During the first half of the 20th century, the pilgrimage reaffirmed itself as a symbol of popular devotion and a point of confluence for reflection on the identity of Sergipe. The city’s streets became the setting for a celebration that paid homage to Senhor dos Passos and promoted a reunion with tradition and local culture.The structure of the work, organized as a symbolic procession, is divided into three parts. Throughout the chapters, the author seeks to problematize the different readings and interpretations of the Pilgrimage in the first half of the 20th century, analyzing how this religious celebration shaped the collective memory of the people of Sergipe and became an important point of convergence between faith and identity.
The initial section, entitled “The Jerusalem of Sergipe,” underscores the contributions of intellectuals and their diverse interpretations of the Pilgrimage of the Steps. It also sheds light on the intricate symbolic and political disputes that have long accompanied this religious observance.The subsequent portion delves into the evolution of the involvement of Sergipe’s political elite in the solemnities of São Cristóvão. This period was characterized by profound social and political transformations, making it a pivotal subject. Despite these transformations, the pilgrimage remained an important ceremony that brought together social diversity and revealed inequalities, reaffirming the social position of its devotees.The central argument suggests that, in the midst of the republican period, the pilgrimage became a pillar in the constitution of a symbolic reading of the city of São Cristóvão. In contradistinction to the newly established capital, Aracaju, which was regarded as modern and progressive, São Cristóvão was associated with tradition and the past.The pilgrimage functioned as a platform for reaffirming identities and engaging in political disputes, as evidenced by the utilization of the celebration by the local elite to construct a glorified narrative of the past.
The work’s pertinence lies in its critique of conventional historical interpretations of Sergipe, which had long overlooked the contributions of the working classes.It underscores the pilgrimage’s significance as a pivotal space for the reclamation of collective identities and memories.
Noteworthy figures such as Serafim Santiago played a pivotal role in the preservation of the city’s traditions, meticulously documenting the festivals and celebrations. This approach contributes to a more comprehensive understanding of the social and political dynamics inherent in the historical memory of the city of São Cristóvão, facilitating an inclusive and plural reinterpretation of the past.In the subsequent section, titled “Impasses of devotional reform in Sergipe,” the narrative focuses on the interactions between the Franciscan friars and the Third Brothers of Carmo. The fifth chapter explores the conflicts between the heirs of the old brotherhoods and the Franciscan religious from Saxony during the process of implementing Catholic devotional reform in São Cristóvão at the beginning of the 20th century.This section discusses how the introduction of new foreign religious orders in Brazil, and especially in Sergipe, strained the relationship between the local clergy and the lay brotherhoods.The narrative continues in: “A quadrilha de irmãos: a reforma devocional e os bastidores da romaria” (“The brotherhood’s group: the devotional reform and the inner workings of the pilgrimage”). This analysis examines the conflicts between the Franciscan friars of German origin and the lay members of the Third Order of Carmel, who disputed control over the organization of the pilgrimage and its solemnity.
The study places its focus on the transformations in Catholicism in Sergipe between the late 19th century and the early 20th century, emphasizing the social and religious dynamics associated with Catholic devotional reform.The study demonstrates how the Brazilian clergy, in collaboration with foreign religious orders, sought to modernize devotional practices and assert control over popular devotions. However, the lay brotherhoods exhibited resistance to this intervention, preserving devotional practices that were regarded by the clergy as antiquated or superstitious.
This contention for religious and symbolic authority mirrors a more extensive conflict between reformist Catholicism, which was more clerical and aligned with Rome’s directives, and popular Catholicism, which was profoundly intertwined with the old brotherhoods and devotional practices that engaged the less privileged segments of society.
The present study contributes to the ongoing discussion by problematizing the concept of devotional reform in Brazil, challenging the conventional interpretations that emphasize the Europeanization of the clergy and the imposition of a more orthodox Catholicism.The study proposes a dialogical view of the process, in which alliances and resistance were woven between the different social groups. The documentation presented, including tomb books and parish records, underscores the significance of São Cristóvão as a hub for pilgrimages and a site for religious confrontations.It also spotlights the pivotal role of figures such as Serafim Santiago, who, with the backing of local elites like Horácio Pio Monteiro, spearheaded campaigns to renovate churches.These reconstruction endeavors, however, gave rise to new disputes over the governance of devotions and religious heritage.
The study sheds light on the complexities of the devotional reform process by addressing Romanization and ultramontanism in the context of Sergipe, showing how the Church sought to redefine its position in Brazilian society, especially after the proclamation of the Republic.The Church was given more freedom to implement its reforms, intensifying the struggle for control of devotions and brotherhoods, which until then had maintained relative autonomy from the clergy. The entry of foreign religious orders, such as the Franciscans from Saxony, further accelerated this restructuring process, and their efforts in Sergipe were particularly focused on the control of the Senhor dos Passos pilgrimage.
Conversely, the resistance exhibited by the lay brotherhoods is a prominent theme.The struggle for control of the shrines and pilgrimages reveals the tension between the attempt at modernization and clerical control, on the one hand, and the desire of the popular classes to maintain their practices, on the other.
Detail of the image of Senhor dos Passos | Foto: Magno Santos, 2013 (Santos, 2024, p.363)
O estudo tece críticas à historiografia sobre o catolicismo brasileiro, apontando que os conceitos de romanização e ultramontanismo, nem sempre capturam a totalidade das transformações ocorridas no campo religioso. Ao tratar o catolicismo popular como uma categoria erudita, a obra destaca a necessidade de uma abordagem mais sutil e inclusiva, que reconheça a riqueza e a diversidade das práticas devocionais.
Na terceira parte, “A festa do Senhor dos Passos: entre o culto e o devocional”, o autor analisa as transformações nas práticas devocionais associadas à romaria ao longo da primeira metade do século XX. A festa do Senhor dos Passos, representa uma interseção entre o sagrado e o profano, onde a devoção popular se expressa em rituais, cantos, danças e outras manifestações culturais. Santos observa que, apesar das tentativas de controle e modificação por parte do clero, a festa se manteve como um espaço de resistência cultural e de afirmação identitária.
O autor declara a importância da memória coletiva na construção das identidades religiosas e sociais em São Cristóvão e propõe que a romaria do Senhor dos Passos tornou-se um espaço de devoção e verdadeiro símbolo da luta por reconhecimento e valorização das tradições locais. Ele entende que as práticas religiosas, ao serem ressignificadas, podem contribuir para a construção de identidades culturais em contextos de transformação social.
O Prefácio dos Tempos, enfim, convida o leitor a uma imersão na história da Romaria do Senhor dos Passos. A obra cumpre os objetivos propostos e contribui para os estudos sobre religiosidade popular no Brasil, permitindo uma compreensão mais profunda da complexidade das relações entre fé, cultura e identidade. Por meio de uma pesquisa rigorosa, o autor apresenta um panorama da Romaria, fato que, muito provavelmente instigará reflexões dos estudiosos sobre o papel da religiosidade na constituição da sociedade e da memória coletiva sergipana.
Summary of O Prefácio dos Tempos: caminhos da Romaria do Senhor dos Passos em São Cristóvão
Um prefácio para o prefácio dos tempos | Beatriz Góis Dantas
Primeira Parte: a Jerusalém de Sergipe
1. O encontro dos tempos do Império e da República
2. A cidade do passado
3. Os tempos da cidade
4. Um Cirineu pensando a História; Serafim Santiago e as memórias da Romaria
Segunda parte: Impasses da reforma devocional católica em Sergipe
5. “As ciladas dos frades franciscanos”: a reforma devocional católica e a luta pelas alfaias
6. “A Quadrilha de Irmãos”: a reforma devocional católica e os bastidores da romaria
7. Terceira Parte: a memória da tragédia – patrimonialização da romaria
8. As ruas das amarguras: O patrimônio de pedra e cal
9. “A formosa filha de Sião e seu unigênito Filho”
10. “A rememoração da tragédia”: a imaterialidade do patrimônio
SANTOS, Magno Francisco de Jesus. O Prefácio dos Tempos: caminhos da Romaria do Senhor dos Passos em São Cristóvão. Aracaju: Criação, 2024. 430p. Prefácio de Beatriz Góis Dantas. Review by: CUNHA, Alícia de Brito Meneghetti. Crítica Historiográfica. Natal, v.4, n.18, July./August, 2024. Available in <https://www.criticahistoriografica.com.br/en/elites-on-pilgrimage-review-by-alicia-de-brito-meneghetti-cunha-ufrn-of-the-book-o-prefacio-dos-tempos-caminhos-da-romaria-do-senhor-dos-passos-em-sao-cristovao-by-magno-franci/>.
Elites on pilgrimage – Review by Alícia de Brito Meneghetti Cunha (UFRN) of the book “O Prefácio dos Tempos: caminhos da Romaria do Senhor dos Passos em São Cristóvão”, by Magno Francisco de Jesus Santos
01 August 2024
Magno Francisco de Jesus Santos | Image: Autor’s collection
Abstract: In this text, Alícia de Brito Meneghetti Cunha discusses O Prefácio dos Tempos: Caminhos da Romaria do Senhor dos Passos em São Cristóvão, a book by Magno Francisco de Jesus Santos. The work explores the pilgrimage from historical and cultural perspectives, and stands out for the depth of its analysis.
Keywords: Senhor dos Passos pilgrimage; São Cristóvão-SE; history of Catholicism.
The book O Prefácio dos Tempos: caminhos da Romaria do Senhor dos Passos em São Cristóvão (2024), authored by Magno Francisco de Jesus Santos and published by Criação Editora, analyzes the Senhor dos Passos Pilgrimage. The author, Magno Francisco de Jesus Santos, holds a PhD in History from the Federal University of Fluminense (2015) and has extensive experience in the areas of History Teaching, Cultural Heritage, and Catholic Religiosity, with publications on the History of Education and Religiosity.The preface, authored by Beatriz Góis Dantas, commends the work as the result of meticulous research, combining a range of sources with sophisticated analysis, maintaining a balance between academic writing and accessible language.
The author, Magno Francisco de Jesus Santos, holds a PhD in History from the Federal University of Fluminense (2015) and has considerable expertise in the domains of History Education, Cultural Heritage, and Catholic Religiosity, with publications on the History of Education and Religiosity. The impetus for this study stems from an emergent need for research that explores the intricate relationship between religion and Brazilian society, with a particular focus on the Pilgrimage of the Lord of the Steps in São Cristóvão. This pilgrimage, a rich cultural manifestation, serves as a reflection of the profound transformations experienced by Brazilian Catholicism during the 19th and 20th centuries.
The Pilgrimage of the Lord of the Steps in São Cristóvão, the preeminent Catholic devotional event in Sergipe, stands as a testament to the cultural and religious legacy of the state. This pilgrimage serves as a nexus for the articulation of faith and identity, where elements of local culture interweave with religious practices, culminating in a rich tapestry of traditions. During the first half of the 20th century, the pilgrimage reaffirmed itself as a symbol of popular devotion and a point of confluence for reflection on the identity of Sergipe. The city’s streets became the setting for a celebration that paid homage to Senhor dos Passos and promoted a reunion with tradition and local culture.The structure of the work, organized as a symbolic procession, is divided into three parts. Throughout the chapters, the author seeks to problematize the different readings and interpretations of the Pilgrimage in the first half of the 20th century, analyzing how this religious celebration shaped the collective memory of the people of Sergipe and became an important point of convergence between faith and identity.
The initial section, entitled “The Jerusalem of Sergipe,” underscores the contributions of intellectuals and their diverse interpretations of the Pilgrimage of the Steps. It also sheds light on the intricate symbolic and political disputes that have long accompanied this religious observance.The subsequent portion delves into the evolution of the involvement of Sergipe’s political elite in the solemnities of São Cristóvão. This period was characterized by profound social and political transformations, making it a pivotal subject. Despite these transformations, the pilgrimage remained an important ceremony that brought together social diversity and revealed inequalities, reaffirming the social position of its devotees.The central argument suggests that, in the midst of the republican period, the pilgrimage became a pillar in the constitution of a symbolic reading of the city of São Cristóvão. In contradistinction to the newly established capital, Aracaju, which was regarded as modern and progressive, São Cristóvão was associated with tradition and the past.The pilgrimage functioned as a platform for reaffirming identities and engaging in political disputes, as evidenced by the utilization of the celebration by the local elite to construct a glorified narrative of the past.
The work’s pertinence lies in its critique of conventional historical interpretations of Sergipe, which had long overlooked the contributions of the working classes.It underscores the pilgrimage’s significance as a pivotal space for the reclamation of collective identities and memories.
Noteworthy figures such as Serafim Santiago played a pivotal role in the preservation of the city’s traditions, meticulously documenting the festivals and celebrations. This approach contributes to a more comprehensive understanding of the social and political dynamics inherent in the historical memory of the city of São Cristóvão, facilitating an inclusive and plural reinterpretation of the past.In the subsequent section, titled “Impasses of devotional reform in Sergipe,” the narrative focuses on the interactions between the Franciscan friars and the Third Brothers of Carmo. The fifth chapter explores the conflicts between the heirs of the old brotherhoods and the Franciscan religious from Saxony during the process of implementing Catholic devotional reform in São Cristóvão at the beginning of the 20th century.This section discusses how the introduction of new foreign religious orders in Brazil, and especially in Sergipe, strained the relationship between the local clergy and the lay brotherhoods.The narrative continues in: “A quadrilha de irmãos: a reforma devocional e os bastidores da romaria” (“The brotherhood’s group: the devotional reform and the inner workings of the pilgrimage”). This analysis examines the conflicts between the Franciscan friars of German origin and the lay members of the Third Order of Carmel, who disputed control over the organization of the pilgrimage and its solemnity.
The study places its focus on the transformations in Catholicism in Sergipe between the late 19th century and the early 20th century, emphasizing the social and religious dynamics associated with Catholic devotional reform.The study demonstrates how the Brazilian clergy, in collaboration with foreign religious orders, sought to modernize devotional practices and assert control over popular devotions. However, the lay brotherhoods exhibited resistance to this intervention, preserving devotional practices that were regarded by the clergy as antiquated or superstitious.
This contention for religious and symbolic authority mirrors a more extensive conflict between reformist Catholicism, which was more clerical and aligned with Rome’s directives, and popular Catholicism, which was profoundly intertwined with the old brotherhoods and devotional practices that engaged the less privileged segments of society.
The present study contributes to the ongoing discussion by problematizing the concept of devotional reform in Brazil, challenging the conventional interpretations that emphasize the Europeanization of the clergy and the imposition of a more orthodox Catholicism.The study proposes a dialogical view of the process, in which alliances and resistance were woven between the different social groups. The documentation presented, including tomb books and parish records, underscores the significance of São Cristóvão as a hub for pilgrimages and a site for religious confrontations.It also spotlights the pivotal role of figures such as Serafim Santiago, who, with the backing of local elites like Horácio Pio Monteiro, spearheaded campaigns to renovate churches.These reconstruction endeavors, however, gave rise to new disputes over the governance of devotions and religious heritage.
The study sheds light on the complexities of the devotional reform process by addressing Romanization and ultramontanism in the context of Sergipe, showing how the Church sought to redefine its position in Brazilian society, especially after the proclamation of the Republic.The Church was given more freedom to implement its reforms, intensifying the struggle for control of devotions and brotherhoods, which until then had maintained relative autonomy from the clergy. The entry of foreign religious orders, such as the Franciscans from Saxony, further accelerated this restructuring process, and their efforts in Sergipe were particularly focused on the control of the Senhor dos Passos pilgrimage.
Conversely, the resistance exhibited by the lay brotherhoods is a prominent theme.The struggle for control of the shrines and pilgrimages reveals the tension between the attempt at modernization and clerical control, on the one hand, and the desire of the popular classes to maintain their practices, on the other.
Detail of the image of Senhor dos Passos | Foto: Magno Santos, 2013 (Santos, 2024, p.363)
O estudo tece críticas à historiografia sobre o catolicismo brasileiro, apontando que os conceitos de romanização e ultramontanismo, nem sempre capturam a totalidade das transformações ocorridas no campo religioso. Ao tratar o catolicismo popular como uma categoria erudita, a obra destaca a necessidade de uma abordagem mais sutil e inclusiva, que reconheça a riqueza e a diversidade das práticas devocionais.
Na terceira parte, “A festa do Senhor dos Passos: entre o culto e o devocional”, o autor analisa as transformações nas práticas devocionais associadas à romaria ao longo da primeira metade do século XX. A festa do Senhor dos Passos, representa uma interseção entre o sagrado e o profano, onde a devoção popular se expressa em rituais, cantos, danças e outras manifestações culturais. Santos observa que, apesar das tentativas de controle e modificação por parte do clero, a festa se manteve como um espaço de resistência cultural e de afirmação identitária.
O autor declara a importância da memória coletiva na construção das identidades religiosas e sociais em São Cristóvão e propõe que a romaria do Senhor dos Passos tornou-se um espaço de devoção e verdadeiro símbolo da luta por reconhecimento e valorização das tradições locais. Ele entende que as práticas religiosas, ao serem ressignificadas, podem contribuir para a construção de identidades culturais em contextos de transformação social.
O Prefácio dos Tempos, enfim, convida o leitor a uma imersão na história da Romaria do Senhor dos Passos. A obra cumpre os objetivos propostos e contribui para os estudos sobre religiosidade popular no Brasil, permitindo uma compreensão mais profunda da complexidade das relações entre fé, cultura e identidade. Por meio de uma pesquisa rigorosa, o autor apresenta um panorama da Romaria, fato que, muito provavelmente instigará reflexões dos estudiosos sobre o papel da religiosidade na constituição da sociedade e da memória coletiva sergipana.
Summary of O Prefácio dos Tempos: caminhos da Romaria do Senhor dos Passos em São Cristóvão
Um prefácio para o prefácio dos tempos | Beatriz Góis Dantas
Primeira Parte: a Jerusalém de Sergipe
1. O encontro dos tempos do Império e da República
2. A cidade do passado
3. Os tempos da cidade
4. Um Cirineu pensando a História; Serafim Santiago e as memórias da Romaria
Segunda parte: Impasses da reforma devocional católica em Sergipe
5. “As ciladas dos frades franciscanos”: a reforma devocional católica e a luta pelas alfaias
6. “A Quadrilha de Irmãos”: a reforma devocional católica e os bastidores da romaria
7. Terceira Parte: a memória da tragédia – patrimonialização da romaria
8. As ruas das amarguras: O patrimônio de pedra e cal
9. “A formosa filha de Sião e seu unigênito Filho”
10. “A rememoração da tragédia”: a imaterialidade do patrimônio
SANTOS, Magno Francisco de Jesus. O Prefácio dos Tempos: caminhos da Romaria do Senhor dos Passos em São Cristóvão. Aracaju: Criação, 2024. 430p. Prefácio de Beatriz Góis Dantas. Review by: CUNHA, Alícia de Brito Meneghetti. Crítica Historiográfica. Natal, v.4, n.18, July./August, 2024. Available in <https://www.criticahistoriografica.com.br/en/elites-on-pilgrimage-review-by-alicia-de-brito-meneghetti-cunha-ufrn-of-the-book-o-prefacio-dos-tempos-caminhos-da-romaria-do-senhor-dos-passos-em-sao-cristovao-by-magno-franci/>.
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