Historical teaching in dispute – Review by Débora Barbosa de Vasconcelos (UFS) of the book “Guerras de narrativas em tempos de crise: ensino de história, identidades e agenda democrática”, organized by Jaqueline Aparecida Martins Zarbato e Osvaldo Rodrigues Júnior

Jaqueline Zarbato e Osvaldo Rodrigues Júnior | | Images: Currículo Lattes/AcademiaEdu

Abstract: The book Narrative Wars in Times of Crisis: History Teaching, Identities and the Democratic Agenda, edited by Jaqueline Zarbato and Osvaldo Rodrigues Júnior, examines the influence of conservatism on history education. Noteworthy aspects include thematic diversity and a critique of systemic disorder. Advantages include comprehensive coverage; disadvantages include the absence of practical recommendations.

Keywords: History education; identities; democracy.

At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, in 2021, the Unemat Press of the State University of Mato Grosso published the book Narrative Wars in Times of Crisis: Teaching History, Identities and the Democratic Agenda. The work emerged in response to the conservative and reactionary narratives that emerged and/or intensified about the teaching of History since the “June protests” of 2013. In other words, the book aims to discuss the transformations that have occurred in the field of History teaching in the context of the advance of conservatism in Brazil. The organization of the material had the participation of professors Jaqueline Aparecida Martins Zarbato and Osvaldo Rodrigues Junior, both History professionals with experience in the field of Teaching. Jaqueline Zarbato, PhD in History from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), and Osvaldo Junior, PhD in Education from the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR).

The material, which was prefaced by Arnaldo Martin Szlachta Junior and comprises twenty chapters, is the result of conferences, round tables, and forums at the XII National Meeting of History Teaching Researchers (XII ENPEH). This event, which featured the theme “Disputed Territories: the production of knowledge in History teaching in times of crisis,” took place in November 2019 at the Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT) in Cuiabá/MT, and was organized by the Brazilian Association for Research in History Teaching (ABEH).Since its first edition in 1993, the meeting has focused on the state of research into history teaching in Brazil. By the beginning of the second decade of the 21st century, it had already gained national recognition.However, in the midst of the Brazilian political crisis that began in 2013, the university, science, and the autonomy of teachers became targets for debate at the XII ENPEH in 2019. Accusations against education professionals, particularly those specializing in History, encompassed terms such as “leftist indoctrination,” “gender ideology,” “gay kit,” “globalism,” “cultural Marxism,” and “school without a party.” These allegations contributed to the enactment of Law No. 13,145 in 2017, which established the reform of Secondary Education.

The book commences with a foreword by Luis Fernando Cerri, the president of the ABEH at the time, serving as a clarion call in defense of public education in Brazil. This chapter denounces the rise of far-right governments in the last decade and their repercussions on public education through austerity measures and the propagation of negative historical discourses. The text is meticulously crafted to evoke indignation in the reader concerning the injustices perpetrated against history professionals. It also serves as an exemplary introduction to the political context that motivated the meeting’s researchers and an exceptional presentation of the book by its organizers.

Throughout the book, topics such as “Brazilian political context,” “teacher training,” “identities,” “anti-racist education,” “heritage,” “technologies,” “History curriculum,” “National Curricular Guidelines for History Courses,” “National Common Curricular Base,” “post-truth,” and “revisionisms” are discussed and, in general, dialogued with each other. The twenty chapters of the book, in a sense, serve as evidence of the expansion of the field of History teaching over the past three decades. This theme is addressed in chapters two and twenty. The consolidation of this field occurred subsequent to the efforts of numerous research professors during national meetings, who have been problematizing the area since the period of re-democratization in Brazil, aligning with the movement to rethink History teaching that emerged between the 1970s and 1980s. Notably, certain chapters address the circumstances surrounding the institution of the High School Reform of 2017, which was identified as a primary catalyst for the XII ENPEH.

The High School Reform materialized propositions that have been subject to criticism for their potential to compromise History education, favoring conservative and neoliberal biases.

Since the High School Reform’s implementation, it has been met with criticism from students and education professionals. Photo: Fernando Frazão/Agência Brasil/Brasil de Fato

In general, the chapters align with the theme presented in the book’s title. However, it is evident that the chapters are not systematically organized, which hinders the reader’s ability to comprehend the text, though it is not impossible to understand.Furthermore, certain authors neglect to propose pragmatic solutions to the issues discussed. Given their genesis as a response to conservative and reactionary critiques of history education, it would be judicious to present arguments accompanied by solutions, that is, to delineate specific interventions in given scenarios.However, due to their present formulation, many merely function as denunciations.Additionally, there are chapters that explore themes necessitating extensive discussion and reflection prior to arriving at definitive conclusions.

Conversely, the texts offer a comprehensive overview of the evolution of History Teaching across diverse genres, some stemming from foundational research, while others integrate both foundational research and empirical case studies.They elucidate the scholarly contributions of the contemporary historian-scholar, the research professor, over the past few decades.

In summary, the book fulfills its stated objective by presenting considerations from professionals in various areas of education on the attacks suffered by History teaching and its professionals and serves as material to illuminate the path of researchers in the field of History Teaching.In general, due to the predominance of academic language, the book is best suited to education professionals and/or those with a degree in related areas, including history professionals. However, readers from other areas of higher education, or even the general public, may find the book’s content relevant. It offers insights into recent developments in History education in Brazil.

Summary of Guerras de narrativas em tempos de crise: ensino de história, identidades e agenda democrática

  • Prefácio | Arnaldo Martin Szlachta Júnior
  • Apresentação
  • 1. Ensino de História em Tempos de Crise | Luis Fernando Cerri
  • 2. Contribuições para a constituição do campo ensino de história no Brasil: perspectivas, pesquisadores e ABEH | Nadia G. Gonçalves e Caroline Pacievitch
  • 3. Por uma educação e um ensino de História comprometidos com a imaginação política | Fernando Seffner
  • 4. Identidades de Gênero e Literatura: “Roberta”, de Flávia Helena | Divanize Carbonieri
  • 5. Uma história da história única | Naine Terena de Jesus
  • 6. Para além da História Única: experiências no seio da escola | Lucas Santos Café
  • 7. Ensinar História para uma educação antirracista: um campo de lutas pelas memórias silenciadas | Osvaldo Mariotto Cerezer
  • 8. Patrimônios comuns e outras memórias: desafios do ensino de história | Raquel A. L. S. Venera
  • 9. Futuros para a formação de professores no Brasil: A posição dos profissionais de História | Margarida Dias e Itamar Freitas
  • 10. A construção de um acontecimento: a Base Nacional Comum Curricular e o papel da história | Amauri Junior da Silva Santos, Osvaldo Rodrigues Junior e Renilson Rosa Ribeiro
  • 11. O silêncio dos (nada) inocentes ou de como um pescador de ilusões sobreviveu à BNCC – História | Giovani José da Silva
  • 12. Educação patrimonial, narrativa histórica e história pública – as possibilidades e diálogos | Jaqueline M. Zarbato
  • 13. As tecnologias digitais na licenciatura em História: carências, desafios e caminhos possíveis | Valéria Filgueiras
  • 14. Entre práticas dominantes e compromissos emergentes: Os desafios permanentes da História escolar | Flávia Eloisa Caimi e Sandra Regina Ferreira de Oliveira
  • 15. Currículo de Licenciatura em tempos de “Pós-Verdade”: apostas insurgentes no campo da História | Carmen Teresa Gabriel
  • 16. Formação de professores de História em tempos de pós-verdade | Marizete Lucini
  • 17. Impacto das novas Diretrizes Curriculares para a Formação Docente na carga horária dos cursos de Licenciatura em História – uma análise inicial | Mauro Cezar Coelho, Andrei Lucas Reis Vasconcelos e Francisco Jorge Oliveira da Silva
  • 18. Desconstruindo revisionismos não científicos no ensino de História | Márcia Elisa Teté Ramos
  • 19. Ensino de História como narrativa secularizada: da nação ao comunitarismo identitário | Mairon Escorsi Valério
  • 20. Ensino de História: Pesquisa e projetos de formação | Ana Maria Monteiro
  • Sobre os Autores


Débora Barbosa de Vasconcelos Matos has a degree in History from theUniversidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS), Campus São Cristóvão — São Cristóvão/SE (2023). ID LATTES: https://lattes.cnpq.br/6106051492202613; E-mail: debora.bvm324@gmail.com.



To cite this review

ZARBATO, Jaqueline Aparecida Martins; JUNIOR, Osvaldo Rodrigues (orgs.). Guerras de narrativas em tempos de crise: Ensino de história, identidades e agenda democrática – Cáceres: Unemat Editora, 2021. 377p. Review by: MATTOS, Débora Barbosa de Vasconcelos. Historical teaching in dispute. Crítica Historiográfica. Natal, v.4, n.18, July/August, 2024. Available in <https://www.criticahistoriografica.com.br/en/historical-teaching-in-dispute-review-by-debora-barbosa-de-vasconcelos-ufs-of-the-book-guerras-de-narrativas-em-tempos-de-crise-ensino-de-historia-identidades-e-agenda-democrati/>.


© – Authors who publish in Historiographical Criticism agree to the distribution, remixing, adaptation and creation based on their texts, even for commercial purposes, as long as due credit for the original creations is guaranteed. (CC BY-SA).


Crítica Historiográfica. Natal, v.4, n. 18, July/August, 2024 | ISSN 2764-2666.



Historical teaching in dispute – Review by Débora Barbosa de Vasconcelos (UFS) of the book “Guerras de narrativas em tempos de crise: ensino de história, identidades e agenda democrática”, organized by Jaqueline Aparecida Martins Zarbato e Osvaldo Rodrigues Júnior

Jaqueline Zarbato e Osvaldo Rodrigues Júnior | | Images: Currículo Lattes/AcademiaEdu

Abstract: The book Narrative Wars in Times of Crisis: History Teaching, Identities and the Democratic Agenda, edited by Jaqueline Zarbato and Osvaldo Rodrigues Júnior, examines the influence of conservatism on history education. Noteworthy aspects include thematic diversity and a critique of systemic disorder. Advantages include comprehensive coverage; disadvantages include the absence of practical recommendations.

Keywords: History education; identities; democracy.

At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, in 2021, the Unemat Press of the State University of Mato Grosso published the book Narrative Wars in Times of Crisis: Teaching History, Identities and the Democratic Agenda. The work emerged in response to the conservative and reactionary narratives that emerged and/or intensified about the teaching of History since the “June protests” of 2013. In other words, the book aims to discuss the transformations that have occurred in the field of History teaching in the context of the advance of conservatism in Brazil. The organization of the material had the participation of professors Jaqueline Aparecida Martins Zarbato and Osvaldo Rodrigues Junior, both History professionals with experience in the field of Teaching. Jaqueline Zarbato, PhD in History from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), and Osvaldo Junior, PhD in Education from the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR).

The material, which was prefaced by Arnaldo Martin Szlachta Junior and comprises twenty chapters, is the result of conferences, round tables, and forums at the XII National Meeting of History Teaching Researchers (XII ENPEH). This event, which featured the theme “Disputed Territories: the production of knowledge in History teaching in times of crisis,” took place in November 2019 at the Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT) in Cuiabá/MT, and was organized by the Brazilian Association for Research in History Teaching (ABEH).Since its first edition in 1993, the meeting has focused on the state of research into history teaching in Brazil. By the beginning of the second decade of the 21st century, it had already gained national recognition.However, in the midst of the Brazilian political crisis that began in 2013, the university, science, and the autonomy of teachers became targets for debate at the XII ENPEH in 2019. Accusations against education professionals, particularly those specializing in History, encompassed terms such as “leftist indoctrination,” “gender ideology,” “gay kit,” “globalism,” “cultural Marxism,” and “school without a party.” These allegations contributed to the enactment of Law No. 13,145 in 2017, which established the reform of Secondary Education.

The book commences with a foreword by Luis Fernando Cerri, the president of the ABEH at the time, serving as a clarion call in defense of public education in Brazil. This chapter denounces the rise of far-right governments in the last decade and their repercussions on public education through austerity measures and the propagation of negative historical discourses. The text is meticulously crafted to evoke indignation in the reader concerning the injustices perpetrated against history professionals. It also serves as an exemplary introduction to the political context that motivated the meeting’s researchers and an exceptional presentation of the book by its organizers.

Throughout the book, topics such as “Brazilian political context,” “teacher training,” “identities,” “anti-racist education,” “heritage,” “technologies,” “History curriculum,” “National Curricular Guidelines for History Courses,” “National Common Curricular Base,” “post-truth,” and “revisionisms” are discussed and, in general, dialogued with each other. The twenty chapters of the book, in a sense, serve as evidence of the expansion of the field of History teaching over the past three decades. This theme is addressed in chapters two and twenty. The consolidation of this field occurred subsequent to the efforts of numerous research professors during national meetings, who have been problematizing the area since the period of re-democratization in Brazil, aligning with the movement to rethink History teaching that emerged between the 1970s and 1980s. Notably, certain chapters address the circumstances surrounding the institution of the High School Reform of 2017, which was identified as a primary catalyst for the XII ENPEH.

The High School Reform materialized propositions that have been subject to criticism for their potential to compromise History education, favoring conservative and neoliberal biases.

Since the High School Reform’s implementation, it has been met with criticism from students and education professionals. Photo: Fernando Frazão/Agência Brasil/Brasil de Fato

In general, the chapters align with the theme presented in the book’s title. However, it is evident that the chapters are not systematically organized, which hinders the reader’s ability to comprehend the text, though it is not impossible to understand.Furthermore, certain authors neglect to propose pragmatic solutions to the issues discussed. Given their genesis as a response to conservative and reactionary critiques of history education, it would be judicious to present arguments accompanied by solutions, that is, to delineate specific interventions in given scenarios.However, due to their present formulation, many merely function as denunciations.Additionally, there are chapters that explore themes necessitating extensive discussion and reflection prior to arriving at definitive conclusions.

Conversely, the texts offer a comprehensive overview of the evolution of History Teaching across diverse genres, some stemming from foundational research, while others integrate both foundational research and empirical case studies.They elucidate the scholarly contributions of the contemporary historian-scholar, the research professor, over the past few decades.

In summary, the book fulfills its stated objective by presenting considerations from professionals in various areas of education on the attacks suffered by History teaching and its professionals and serves as material to illuminate the path of researchers in the field of History Teaching.In general, due to the predominance of academic language, the book is best suited to education professionals and/or those with a degree in related areas, including history professionals. However, readers from other areas of higher education, or even the general public, may find the book’s content relevant. It offers insights into recent developments in History education in Brazil.

Summary of Guerras de narrativas em tempos de crise: ensino de história, identidades e agenda democrática

  • Prefácio | Arnaldo Martin Szlachta Júnior
  • Apresentação
  • 1. Ensino de História em Tempos de Crise | Luis Fernando Cerri
  • 2. Contribuições para a constituição do campo ensino de história no Brasil: perspectivas, pesquisadores e ABEH | Nadia G. Gonçalves e Caroline Pacievitch
  • 3. Por uma educação e um ensino de História comprometidos com a imaginação política | Fernando Seffner
  • 4. Identidades de Gênero e Literatura: “Roberta”, de Flávia Helena | Divanize Carbonieri
  • 5. Uma história da história única | Naine Terena de Jesus
  • 6. Para além da História Única: experiências no seio da escola | Lucas Santos Café
  • 7. Ensinar História para uma educação antirracista: um campo de lutas pelas memórias silenciadas | Osvaldo Mariotto Cerezer
  • 8. Patrimônios comuns e outras memórias: desafios do ensino de história | Raquel A. L. S. Venera
  • 9. Futuros para a formação de professores no Brasil: A posição dos profissionais de História | Margarida Dias e Itamar Freitas
  • 10. A construção de um acontecimento: a Base Nacional Comum Curricular e o papel da história | Amauri Junior da Silva Santos, Osvaldo Rodrigues Junior e Renilson Rosa Ribeiro
  • 11. O silêncio dos (nada) inocentes ou de como um pescador de ilusões sobreviveu à BNCC – História | Giovani José da Silva
  • 12. Educação patrimonial, narrativa histórica e história pública – as possibilidades e diálogos | Jaqueline M. Zarbato
  • 13. As tecnologias digitais na licenciatura em História: carências, desafios e caminhos possíveis | Valéria Filgueiras
  • 14. Entre práticas dominantes e compromissos emergentes: Os desafios permanentes da História escolar | Flávia Eloisa Caimi e Sandra Regina Ferreira de Oliveira
  • 15. Currículo de Licenciatura em tempos de “Pós-Verdade”: apostas insurgentes no campo da História | Carmen Teresa Gabriel
  • 16. Formação de professores de História em tempos de pós-verdade | Marizete Lucini
  • 17. Impacto das novas Diretrizes Curriculares para a Formação Docente na carga horária dos cursos de Licenciatura em História – uma análise inicial | Mauro Cezar Coelho, Andrei Lucas Reis Vasconcelos e Francisco Jorge Oliveira da Silva
  • 18. Desconstruindo revisionismos não científicos no ensino de História | Márcia Elisa Teté Ramos
  • 19. Ensino de História como narrativa secularizada: da nação ao comunitarismo identitário | Mairon Escorsi Valério
  • 20. Ensino de História: Pesquisa e projetos de formação | Ana Maria Monteiro
  • Sobre os Autores


Débora Barbosa de Vasconcelos Matos has a degree in History from theUniversidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS), Campus São Cristóvão — São Cristóvão/SE (2023). ID LATTES: https://lattes.cnpq.br/6106051492202613; E-mail: debora.bvm324@gmail.com.



To cite this review

ZARBATO, Jaqueline Aparecida Martins; JUNIOR, Osvaldo Rodrigues (orgs.). Guerras de narrativas em tempos de crise: Ensino de história, identidades e agenda democrática – Cáceres: Unemat Editora, 2021. 377p. Review by: MATTOS, Débora Barbosa de Vasconcelos. Historical teaching in dispute. Crítica Historiográfica. Natal, v.4, n.18, July/August, 2024. Available in <https://www.criticahistoriografica.com.br/en/historical-teaching-in-dispute-review-by-debora-barbosa-de-vasconcelos-ufs-of-the-book-guerras-de-narrativas-em-tempos-de-crise-ensino-de-historia-identidades-e-agenda-democrati/>.


© – Authors who publish in Historiographical Criticism agree to the distribution, remixing, adaptation and creation based on their texts, even for commercial purposes, as long as due credit for the original creations is guaranteed. (CC BY-SA).


Crítica Historiográfica. Natal, v.4, n. 18, July/August, 2024 | ISSN 2764-2666.



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